CDL celebrates 60th anniversary

City Development Limited organized an event and pay homage to the group 60th anniversary at Orchard Hotel Singapore on Sept 5 . Galore and rejoice over this significant milestone, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Lawrence Wong was cordially asked to participate in this honorable event as very important guest to the gala event organized to grace the important event, paying tribute to the company’s presence over the years since operating the business with just eight manpower in 1963.
CDL is an established international brand in real estate segment well-known by peers with diverse property portfolio from residential to hospitality. Take for an example, Millennium & Copthorne Hotels, has strengthened its portfolios from one hotel to over 155 hotels till date. The group has a gross nett worth of total $31 billion with their assets collectively and over eight thousand manpower globally. 
In exchange of the company’s excellent propel movement since the former pioneer of Hong Leong Group founder Kwek Hong Png bought a block of CDL shares in 1969, CDL’s executive chairman Kwek Leng Beng spoken at the event. “From a home-based group, we participate vigorously and propel forward our establishment beyond Singapore’s this sunny island to the region and further onto the global stage, operating businesses across five continents,” he says.


CEO Sherman Kwek of CDL also participated and grace the event during the celebration on the stage with sincere speech to past and current CDL key executives. Furthermore, he spoke on CDL’s principle of joint partnership, honesty and creativity “Customers and employees are the key major asset in any organisation, and I would like to hold an high esteem to all my partners for their commitment, endless care and support that has given us so much to be notable of,” he adds.
CDL has actively been engaging with the National Council of Social Service to recognize a new health being therapy facility for children and families housed at City Square Mall In celebration of its 60th anniversary, and fund raising for Community Chest. It has also cast a wider network to its partnership with the National Parks Board on the CDL Green Gallery and Garden City Fund, partnered with MigrantWell Singapore to solidify the holistic of its foreign workers and is building a new annexe for its Singapore Sustainability Academy in Golden Triangle Retail Centre.

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